
Soft Pretzels

After a few variations, I found the key to the right savory flavor is brushing these babies with butter – not egg wash.

Recipe SnapshotServes: 12 PretzelsTime: 1.5 Hours*Level: Medium
*Note on timing – this time includes the 1 hour rising time for the dough, this recipe only requires about 30 minutes active time.

What you’ll need…

1 1/2 C Warm Water
1 Package Yeast
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
3 - 3 1/2 C Flour
2 tsp Salt
4 Tbsp Butter - Melted, Separated
10 C Water
1/2 C Baking Soda
Coarse Sea Salt for Topping 

Get Cooking…

In a small bowl, combine water, yeast, and brown sugar. Let sit for about 5 minutes, or until nice and foamy.

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, add 3 C flour and salt. When yeast mixture is foamy, add the mixture to the flour and salt, then add 1 Tbsp of melted butter. Knead on a medium speed until a smooth elastic dough forms. If the dough is too wet, and still sticking to the sides of the bowl, add in more flour in 1/4 C increments. I find that I usually use about an extra 1/2 C flour – making it 3 1/2 C total.

Remove the bowl from the base of the stand mixer, cover and let rise for 1 hour.

Punch down the dough and turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough in half, then each half into 6 even pieces. You should have 12 sections total.

Working one at a time, roll the sections into 24 inch logs. (Yes, that seems excessive, but it’s necessary. I promise!) To create the classic pretzel shape, take the two ends and cross over each other twice. Then fold back on itself to create the pretzel shape. Gently press down on the ends after folding over to help keep the pretzel from unravelling in the hot water bath. Repeat until all 12 pretzels are formed.

Bring about 10 C water to a boil and slowly add in the 1/2 C baking soda. This will cause A LOT of bubbling, so be prepared and use a large pot to avoid boiling over.

Using a slotted spoon or spatula, gently lower the pretzels into the water bath and let sit for about 30 seconds. Promptly remove the pan and place on a parchment lined baking sheet. Repeat process with all pretzels. I usually do this in batches of about 3 pretzels, or however many fit comfortably in your pot of water.

Bake pretzels at 400F for 12 minutes. Remove from oven and brush with remaining 3 Tbsp melted butter. Sprinkle with coarse sea salt – or any other topping you like! Place back into the oven to bake for another 4-5 minutes. Enjoy!